Use az network vnet subnet create to create the subnet to which Bastion will be deployed. az group create -name TestRG1 -location eastusĪz network vnet create -resource-group TestRG1 -name VNet1 -address-prefix -subnet-name default -subnet-prefix If you don't already have a virtual network, create a resource group and a virtual network using az group create and az network vnet create. If you're deploying Bastion as part of a tutorial or test, we recommend that you delete this resource once you've finished using it. For more information, see Pricing and SKUs. Hourly pricing starts from the moment Bastion is deployed, regardless of outbound data usage. This section helps you deploy Azure Bastion using Azure CLI. Select Copy to copy the blocks of code, paste it into the Cloud Shell, and press enter to run it. You can also launch Cloud Shell in a separate browser tab by going to and toggle the dropdown in the left corner to reflect Bash or PowerShell.
To open the Cloud Shell, just select Try it from the upper right corner of a code block. It has common Azure tools preinstalled and configured to use with your account. The Azure Cloud Shell is a free interactive shell that you can use to run the steps in this article. To run commands, you can use Azure Cloud Shell. If you don't already have an Azure subscription, you can activate your MSDN subscriber benefits or sign up for a free account. Verify that you have an Azure subscription. See the Bastion FAQ for more information. The use of Azure Bastion with Azure Private DNS Zones is supported.